
A simple and fast way to create a development environment with GoCD, ELK Stack, Nexus 3, HAProxy and Nginx in a Docker Compose script for fast setup.

At the end of this Readme you will have:


Getting started for Linux

Clone the repository

  $ git clone

Run the containers

Go into the dev-env-setup directory and run the linux configuration

  $ cd dev-env-setup
  $ docker-compose -f linux/docker-compose.yml up -d

If you run docker ps you should see something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                NAMES
2444b47aa2bb        eciuca/gocd-agent-jdk8-maven3   "/sbin/my_init"          8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                                                                                                                                             linux_gocd-agent-updated_1
643257cce4c4        nginx                           "nginx -g 'daemon off"   9 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes        443/tcp,>80/tcp                                                                                                        linux_nginx_1
ea83591431de        sonatype/nexus3                 "/bin/sh -c 'bin/nexu"   9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>8081/tcp,>8444/tcp                                                                                       linux_nexus_1
a7b40c01941e        gocd/gocd-server                "/sbin/my_init"          9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>8153/tcp, 8154/tcp                                                                                                     linux_gocd-server_1
e3291d38ece5        sebp/elk                        "/usr/local/bin/start"   9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>5000/tcp,>5044/tcp,>5601/tcp,>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp,>12201/udp   linux_elk_1
f577c13749d6        million12/haproxy               "/"          9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp                                                                                                          linux_haproxy_1

Wait some time until all the applications are initialized.

Access the default page

Go to http://localhost/home (HAProxy is set to listen on port 80, if you want you can change it from docker-compose.yml)

Configure Nexus

  1. Click on the Nexus hyperlink and log in as administrator using the following credentials:

    username: admin
    password: admin123
  2. Go to Server administration and configuration> Repositories

  3. Create docker-internal repository:

    • Click on the Create repository button
    • Create a new docker (hosted) repository named docker-internal
    • Tick the HTTP box from Repository Connectors and set the port to 8444 (same as in the file go/agent/settings.xml)
    • Select the default option for the blob store and
    • Click Create repository
  4. Create docker-hub repository

    • Click on the Create repository button
    • Create a new docker (proxy) repository named docker-hub
    • Tick the Allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this Repository. checkbox under Docker Registry API Support > Enable Docker V1 API
    • Put in Proxy > Remote storage
    • Select the default option for the blob store
    • Click Create repository
  5. Create docker-public group repository

    • Click on the Create repository button
    • Create a new docker (group) repository named docker-public
    • Tick the Allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this Repository. checkbox under Docker Registry API Support > Enable Docker V1 API
    • Select the default option for the blob store
    • Add docker-hub and docker-internal in the Members list
    • Click Create repository.

Configure Go Server and Agent

  1. Access the server

  2. Apply the configuration

    • Go to Admin > Config XML
    • Click the Edit button
    • Paste the contents of the file go/server/partial-cruise-config.xml between the server and agent XML elements (the gocd-agent from the docker-compose.yml should have been already discovered).
    • Add an <physical> element under cruise\environments\environment\agents (see commented example) with the uuid of the discovered go agent from cruise\agents\agent
    • Click Save

If you go to the Pipelines view you will see the Parent and Dropwizard pipelines under the eciuca group.

Run a dropwizard-seed image

  1. After the gocd-agent finishes successfully the build run the following command to run the newly build docker image
$ docker run -p 8888:8888 --log-driver=gelf --log-opt gelf-address=udp://$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.linux_default.IPAddress }}' linux_elk_1):12201 --log-opt tag="{{.ImageName}}/{{.Name}}/{{.ID}}" localhost:8444/com.github.eciuca/dropwizard-seed-local
  1. Go to http://localhost:8888/hello-world/user1 and you should see the following message: Hello, user1!

Access ElasticSearch API

If you make this http request to the elasticsearch node you should see the logs there. Here's the request (you can access from the HAProxy default page): http://localhost/elasticsearch/_search?pretty

Configure Kibana

  1. Access the application:

  2. Configure an index pattern

    • In the index name or patter put gelf_logs
    • After the Time-field name refreshes select @timestamp from the dropdown
    • Click Create.
  3. If you click now on the Discover navigation button you will be able to see same logs that you have seen when you accessed ElasticSearch earlier

Getting started for windows

  1. Run prepare.bat
  2. Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager. Right click your docker machine and map a host port (e.g. 8182) to the internal port 80 (the port to which nginx is listening)
  3. docker-compose -f windows-or-osx/docker-compose.yml up (it will start the containers on your active docker machine) - for linux just use the -f linux/docker-compose.yml
  4. After the initialization is finished (first time will take about 10 mins for jenkins and 2 mins for nexus maybe because they are downloading and initializing stuff in the specified volumes) you will be able to access Jenkins and Nexus at http://localhost:8182/jenkins and http://localhost:8182/nexus and similar for the others (http://localhost:8182/)

Have fun! :D

Authors and Contributors

You can @mention a GitHub username to generate a link to their profile. The resulting <a> element will link to the contributor’s GitHub Profile. For example: In 2007, Chris Wanstrath (@defunkt), PJ Hyett (@pjhyett), and Tom Preston-Werner (@mojombo) founded GitHub.

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